Monday, July 19, 2010

Think Louder

Some things were never meant for words,
things that can't be explained, must be experienced directly.
You can not know the truth, only feel it.


  1. How do I become a follower of your blog?

  2. Should be a follow button top left of the screen on the blogger tool bar. there is on my screen at least :) Thanks.

  3. This is so true! I really agree with your thoughts! Some things can not be described with the words, they were not meant to be put into words!

  4. What ever I say, The words are the splashes on the surface of a deeper meaning.

  5. I cannot agree more to it.. a lot is only felt and experienced.

  6. words are torches lighting the path towards understanding
    truth doesnt need light to be felt but it does sometimes need light to be revealed

  7. I like, words = light. And if you leave them burn unattended they might burn down the house :)

  8. so true, especially when you really have a hard time getting back to them! The story of umar at fatimahs house comes to mind.

  9. I don't know that story, I've been googling, but I can't really get the gist of it. Did they burn the house down or not?

    I was thinking of when I leave my mouth running without paying mind, and they don't say what I meant at all.

  10. the story is important as the background genesis related todays sunni shia split. Is moreso relevant to the discussion at hand in that mohammeds words were left burning without a response possible for clarification to inquiry...he was dead and his daughter was the one who almost had thier house burnddown

  11. ali and umar both wanted to lead / on his deathbed mohammed chose alis(shia sunni disagree on this) but at the same time umar gained communal consensus umar & co went to fatimahs house daughter of mohammed, and ali was there They( most versions say )carried wood and threatenend to burn down house if they didnt concede. thats how i remember the story but i too lazy to see if im right lol

  12. Interesting. I know almost nothing of islamic stories. I agree even the words of saints can be twisted into weapons when left in the hands of a righteous mob. But saying nothing wont necessarily save us, the purest silence can still be misconstrued by a noisy mind.

  13. " But saying nothing wont necessarily save us, the purest silence can still be misconstrued by a noisy mind. "

    I forget this too often
